Book Vietnamese Restaurants in East London

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Results 1 to 3 of 3
Hanoi Café
Located in one of London’s hippest enclaves, Hanoi offers sizzling, fresh traditional Vietnamese food to a mixed crowd of local Hoxton hipsters. But the Hanoi Café is also just near enough to the City to attract an after work crowd. The décor is simple and bright it and lets the food speak for itself. The atmosphere is bustling and breezy.

Cuisine: Vietnamese
Location: 98 Kingsland Road, Hoxton, E2 8DP [Map]

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Que Viet Restaurant
Que Viet restaurant in London’s Hoxton is a Vietnamese restaurant that’s a destination for devotees of southeast Asian cuisine. In fact, every food-lover worth his weight in bahn bao knows that the best Vietnamese restaurants in the capital are found in Shoreditch, and that Que Viet restaurant is by far the most impressive establishment in the 'hood. With its upmarket interior and Old Testament-sized menu, Que Viet is a brilliant spot to dine out with groups of friends, colleagues and clients. Frequented by local hipsters, media-types on a budget and epicurious tourists, Que Viet is affordable and atmospheric, and offers everything from noodles and soups to dumplings and stir-fries. The restaurant has a French-led focus - blame colonialism - and star dishes include the frog's legs. Do try Que Viet’s ‘fire pot’, a bubbling vessel of consommé brought to your table in which you cook meat, vegetables or seafood - a fun evening for groups of diners.

Cuisine: Vietnamese
Location: 102 Kingsland Road, Hoxton, E2 8DP [Map]

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Viet Grill
Viet Grill restaurant is in exactly the right spot, because London's Kingsland Road is a road that is to Vietnamese food lovers what Brick Lane is to curry fanatics. So where else should London’s first Vietnamese grill open? Viet Grill - bright and modern - is a vibrant addition to the Shoreditch dining scene just a stone’s throw from the City. But don’t let its smart Western décor fool you. The Vietnamese cuisine on offer is the real deal. The menu is vast and everything sounds amazing. Lots of distinctive soup and noodle dishes, seafood specialties, and best of all, ‘from the grill’ – a tempting selection of predominantly meat dishes, including beef wrapped in fragrant leaves which you grill yourself at the table. Only at Viet Grill restaurant in all of London can you order free-range quail stuffed with fly agaric mushrooms, ground peppered pork and mung bean noodles in a lotus seed broth - a Hanoi specialty.

Cuisine: Vietnamese
Location: 58 Kingsland Road, London, E2 8DP [Map]

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  1. London
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  4. East London
  5. Vietnamese Restaurants
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