Bob's Tenancy Cleaning

Bob's Tenancy Cleaning

Flat 2, 38 Dagnall Park, London, SE25 5PH [ Map ]

Tel: 020 3404 1547 | Email: Click here | Web:


Bob's Tenancy Cleaning is a London based company that provides end of tenancy cleaning, removals and other related services to rental properties within the city.

Our end of tenancy cleaning is designed to fully cleanse and clear a property after it's past tenants have move out. This is important step to remember before you let it out on the market again or bring in people to view it for renting or buying.

Cleanliness is one of the most important factors that stick to possible tenants or buyers. Thus it's extremely important that the property is spotless.

Bob's Tenancy Cleaning knows the industry inside and out and has worked with thousands upon thousands of tenants, landlords and property professionals. We know the needs of every individual client and adapt our services to provide the best experience for them, while keeping our prices competitive on a global London level and a local trade level as well.

To prove we're not just big words and boasting, we attach a 48 hour guarantee for quality on each of our end of tenancy cleaning procedures. This means that between our workers walking out after the job and 48 hours after, you can call us 24/7 to request a re-do should there be any problems. It's completely free of charge and unlimited in attempts, so long as there are still issues.

For more information, you can visit our website or call us directly.

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