London Pro Abseiling Ltd
160a Wyndham Rd, London, SE5 0UB [ Map ]
Tel: 0800 206 2269 | Email: Click here | Web: https://londonprofessionalabseiling.co.uk
London Pro Abseiling Ltd was born from pure passion of working at heights. With more than a decade experience in the rope access industry we can pride ourselves that our team of IRATA technicians have comprehensive experience with various building repair and maintenance services. Always keeping the highest health and safety standards in the core of our decisions we can undertake projects of any size, private and commercial. Our local rope access solutions will keep your projects costs as down as no other traditional way of access will do.
Hours of Business
08:00 AM - 06:00PM (Monday-Friday) 08:00AM - 04:00PM Saturday
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