Pottery, Porcelain & Glass

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Pottery, Porcelain & Glass

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Looking for Pottery, Porcelain & Glass for sale near London on eBay? Look no further - we have searched for items across eBay UK and the results are provided below...

eBay Listings nearest London
Vintage Amber carnival Glass Fruit bowlVintage Amber carnival Glass Fruit bowl
H&D Aquarium Blue Devil Fish Art Glass Hand Blown Sea Animal Figurine CollectionH&D Aquarium Blue Devil Fish Art Glass Hand Blown Sea Animal Figurine Collection
Yamai japanese pottery dinner and small plates HALF PRICEYamai japanese pottery dinner and small plates HALF PRICE
JONATHAN ADLER Large Green Santorini Nyx VaseJONATHAN ADLER Large Green Santorini Nyx Vase
Large Floral Porcelain VaseLarge Floral Porcelain Vase
RORY DOBNER PaperweightRORY DOBNER Paperweight
Decorative BowlDecorative Bowl
royal Doulton fable Flower 400ml Tea/ Coffee Mug Set(Never Been Used)royal Doulton fable Flower 400ml Tea/ Coffee Mug Set(Never Been Used)
Villeroy & Boch-New Wave Coffee Saucer/Plate + Royal Doulton Espresso Cup BundleVilleroy & Boch-New Wave Coffee Saucer/Plate + Royal Doulton Espresso Cup Bundle
Only one made, ornamental art glass frosted blown vase. Unique. Made in FinlandOnly one made, ornamental art glass frosted blown vase. Unique. Made in Finland
blue and white mixing bowls 2 sizes blue and white mixing bowls 2 sizes
Stuart Crystal Port/Cordial Glasses Arundel Pattern.Stuart Crystal Port/Cordial Glasses Arundel Pattern.
Crystal Cut Glass Flower Basket ?Vintage ? Perfect ConditionCrystal Cut Glass Flower Basket ?Vintage ? Perfect Condition
Floral Bowl With Black Lined Lip.  Small Fruit Bowl. 8 X 3.5 Inches.Floral Bowl With Black Lined Lip. Small Fruit Bowl. 8 X 3.5 Inches.
Porcelain Trinket Dish NG Oficina de Porcelanas 28 July, 2018Porcelain Trinket Dish NG Oficina de Porcelanas 28 July, 2018
set of 6 Long Canape or Petit Four Plateset of 6 Long Canape or Petit Four Plate
Hand Blown Glass Bowl - 10.5cm tall / 10.5cm wide (in the middle)Hand Blown Glass Bowl - 10.5cm tall / 10.5cm wide (in the middle)
Small Collection of Pin Dishes 7 In TotalSmall Collection of Pin Dishes 7 In Total
6 Large water glasses for £306 Large water glasses for £30
Set of 12 Spiegelau Glasses for £60Set of 12 Spiegelau Glasses for £60
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