Pubs & Bars in London
Browse our London directory for businesses and orgranisations relating to Pubs & Bars in London. Our business directory is new and expanding to provide more London Pubs & Bars listings. If you represent a London business or organisation, you can get listed here for free - join our network today or find out more about our free advertising services.
Results 1 to 5 of 5 |
The Grove
The Grove prides itself on being a fun family friendly hub with games for all the kids, small and big. Banging Music & Banging Burgers (award winning!). Great offers on food & drink. Student...
279 Battersea Park Road, London. Tel: Not Listed
The Clapham Grand
Originally opened as a music hall in 1900, this 1250 capacity venue is a centre piece of London’s nightlife, boasting an electric programme of quality events ranging form club nights, live gigs to...
21-25 St.John's Hill, London. Tel: 020 7223 6523
Caffe Dolce Wholesale Ltd
Caffé Dolce has been on a market for about year and a half now, and day by day is getting more customers appreciating our coffee. We make our coffee in a small batches and 'slow roast' our beans...
14 Elgin Crescent, London. Tel: 07432 125996
The Rose Pub Fulham
The Rose Pub in Fulham is a little oasis tucked away just off the New Kings Road and has a fantastic beer garden. We are a Fulham pub serving the best pub food in Fulham. We have recently taken...
1 Harwood Terrace, Fulham, London. Tel: 0207 731 1832
Salsa is a Bar Restaurant and nightclub situated in the heart of Central London. Happy Hour every evening on cocktails. Dance classes every evening - no need to book just turn up around...
96 Charing Cross Rd, London. Tel: 0207 379 3277
Results 1 to 5 of 5 |
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